Brenda Greig is an authentic, God-loving survivor of alcoholism that nearly claimed her life. From her journey of being ‘recked, recovered, and restored, she built a private practice helping others who want freedom—true freedom—from addiction.
She speaks truth in love. And she is all in for people who want to get well. She is medically informed but Bible-based in all she does. After years of being a functioning alcoholic, looking great from the outside but being destroyed on the inside, she did her own hard work on healing from past trauma and facing dysfunctional patterns of behavior in order to create a new life in recovery so she could live a God-honoring life. She went on to get a Master’s in Addiction, a Diploma in Old Testament Theology, and a Diploma in New Testament. She has begun a master’s in divinity as well.
God called her into ministry over a decade ago, where she began with a focus primarily on addiction recovery but has broadened her focus to helping people apply Scripture to all of life’s challenges.

Stepping Ahead is a nonprofit 501c3 serving those desiring freedom from addiction and other issues that hold them back from living a life that brings glory to God. Many people are not able to get Christ-centered counseling because of limited finances. Donors make it possible to offer scholarships to people seeking help. Please consider donating so we can help more people with Biblical approaches to life’s challenges. God bless you!